Delilah goes Winners and Best of Breed over a Special for her first point! Way to go Jenny, What a great job you have done with such a young girl!!
Mary picks up her 2nd Major and goes Best Opposite Sex at the Bulldog Club of Greater Cleveland Specialty Show, show picture added
Winsome has two breeding's planned for 2007. If all goes as planned I hope to have puppies in March.
This page was last updated: March 19, 2014
With knowing the importance of breeding healthy dogs Winsome has already started and hopes to complete many OFA health tests this year.
1/21/2007 What an exciting weekend! Mary won Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and Best Opposite Sex at Oakland County Kennel Club for a 4 point Major!! She is now just 3 single points from finished and I couldn't be more excited. More exciting news from the same day, Winsome's Let's MissBehave aka Daisy picked up a Major Reserve.
1/27/2007 Today at the Chain O' Lakes Kennel Club Mary went Winners Bitch, Best of Winners and on to Best of Breed! I am so proud of this girls success in the show ring. Later that day she made the cut in the Group ring.
1/28/2007 Best in Breed again! Mary had a repeat of the day before! She is now just 1 single point from finished.
2/8/2007 Mary finishes her Championship at the Central Indiana Kennel Club with a 2 point win and goes Best Opposite Sex!
2/9/2007 Mary's first time in the ring as a Special and with a large entry Mary goes Breed at the Hoosier Kennel Club! Later she went on to make a cut in the group ring!
2/23/2007 Daisy took 1st place in a large Bred By class and went on to go Reserve Winners Bitch at the St Louis Specialty Show!
3/03/2007 Daisy goes Winners, Best of Winners and Best of Breed under Dr. Albert Bianchi at the Wisconsin Kennel Club show.
3/10/2007 Winsome's Let's Miss Behave (Daisy) wins first place both days in the Bred by class at the Bulldog Club of Indiana. Also that same day I had the pleasure of handling Little Ponds Poppy who won Best in Sweeps her first time in the ring!
4/8/2007 Daisy is Reserve Winners Bitch at the Western Michigan Bulldog Specialty under Breeder Judge Bob Newcomb with an entry of 60 bitches!
4/9/2007 Daisy spent her morning in Chicago after being asked to star in a commercial for a Chicago car dealer!! She did a fantastic job and the commercial will air on NBC starting next week!!!! Click here to see the commercial.
4/22/07 Digger goes Best in Sweepstakes at the Buckeye Bulldog club specialty show under Penny Lancaster
5/25/2007 Attie goes Reserve Winners under Rosemary Logan at the Cincinnati Bulldog Club.
5/26/2007 Attie goes Winners Bitch and Best of Winners for a 3 point Major under Marilyn Dundas at the Cincinnati Bulldog Club.
5/27/2007 Attie wins back to back Majors going Winners Bitch and BOW under Wick Carter at the Cincinnati Kennel Club.
6/2/07 Daisy goes WB, BOW and BOB for another point towards her Championship at the Fox River Valley Kennel Club
7/1/07 Daisy goes RWB at the Sioux Valley Kennel Club in Vermillion South Dakota
7/2/07 Gracie did her first commercial in Chicago today. Check back later to see the commercial.
6/10/07 Daisy goes WB at the Wheaton Kennel Club
6/9/07 Daisy goes RWB at the Wheaton Kennel Club
7/14/07 Winsome's Wendy of Hillview went Best puppy and then on to Best in match at 4 months of age.. She was bred by Winsome Bulldogs and is owned by Bev Larrick of Hillview Bulldogs.
7/14/07 Little Ponds Mystic Marigold went BOS at the Battle Creek Kennel Club.
7/13/07 Little Ponds Mystic Marigold went BOS at the Battle Creek Kennel Club her first time back in the ring since taking a a break to have puppies.
7/29/07 I had the pleasure of handling Ch. Lil' Boy's Daisy Mae and winning Best of Breed at the Waukesha Kennel Club and later taking a Group 4!
7/29/07 Little Ponds Fatal Attraction 'Attie' wins her 3rd Major and goes Best of Winners at the Waukesha Kennel Club. Attie was co-bred by myself and Little Pond Bulldogs.
7/27/07 Winsome's Let's MissBehave goes Winners Bitch & Best of Winners at the Milwaukee Bulldog Club's Specialty Show for a 4 point major. Daisy is now just 1 single point from her championship!!
8/2/07 I handled Little Ponds Poppy to a 3 point major at the Sturgis Kennel Club under Mr Vincent Grosso.
8/25/07 Today is a very special day for me as I finished my first Bred-by champion!!! Daisy is now officially Ch. Winsome's Let's Miss Behave.
9/08/07 I handled Little Ponds Poppy and went Best of Breed for another point at the Kenosha Kennel Club's Dog Show
9/09/07 It was a repeat of the day before Little Ponds Poppy went Best of Breed for another point at the Kenosha Kennel Club's Dog Show she is now 5 singles from her Championship title.
11/3/07 Winsome N Littleponds Green with EnV was in her 1st show at the Chicago Bulldog Club Specialty and won her class in both Sweepstakes and Regular Classes.
11/17/07 Daisy and Mary completed the requirements for their CHIC (Canine Health Information Center) certificates by completing their OFA patella exam.